
我來自臺灣,年輕時曾經服務于臺灣的外商公司如英商 ICI 及美商 IBM 公司,主要任務都是銷售與市場方面的工作,1993 年移民到美國洛杉磯投資一家華人創辦的軟件公司並實際參與銷售與市場工作,於 2002 年回流臺灣,擔任過美商網路公司的大中華區負責人也曾為股票上市的電子公司負責營運與業務,由於各種因緣際會,於 2005 年再次移民到加拿大來,現在溫哥華從事房地產仲介服務,我對於銷售方面的工作很有興趣,以多年來的銷售經驗,運用到目前從事的房地產經紀人的工作上,我很幸運的完成了許多令買賣雙方都很滿意的交易
I came from Taiwan. Had been working in ICI (Taiwan) Ltd. & IBM Taiwan Corporation for more than 20 years, my major responsibilities were all related with sales and marketing. I immigrated to USA and invested in a computer software company in Los Angeles in 1993. I also involved operation of sales and marketing in that software company until 2000. During 2000 and 2005, I had been appointed to run Greater China Operation for an Internet Startup Company and head of Sales and Marketing for an Electronic Company in Taiwan. When my life path changed, I came to Canada as landed immigrant in 2005 and work as Realtor in Vancouver since 2007.

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